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Item ПОБУДОВА МАТЕМАТИЧНОЇ ГРУПИ СИМЕТРИЧНИХ ОПЕРАЦІЙ НА ОСНОВІ ДОДАВАННЯ ЗА МОДУЛЕМ ДВА. THE SYMMETRIC OPERATIONS’ MATHEMATICAL GROUP CONSTRUCTING BASED ON MODULO-2 ADDITION(2019) Лада, Наталія Володимирівна; Lada, Nataliia; Козловська, Світлана Григоріївна; Kozlovska, Svіtlana; Рудницький, Сергій Володимирович; Rudnytskyi, SerhiiThe article is devoted to improving the quality of the stream ciphering systems for confidential information encryption through increasing the variability of cryptographic transformations by using a new group of two-operand two-bit operations synthesized basing on modulo-2 addition. For achieving the aim, a comparative analysis of two-operand operations with one-operand operations was performed, which showed that the first four operations can be obtained basing on the first four one-operand operations of the first operand processing, by adding the modulo-2 addition operation of their base operation of transforming the second operand, and by modulo-2 adding the basic operation of processing the second operand it can be obtained the other two-operand operations from inversion operations’ subgroups. The results of classifying a group of two- operand two-bit symmetric operations of information’s cryptographic transformation were visualized, which made it possible to establish relationships between groups of one-and two-operand operations. Basing on the obtained results, a method for synthesizing the operations’ group of modulo-2 addition is developed for stream ciphering based on the modulo-2 addition operation. The method’s crux is in the base group’s two-bit two-operand operations synthesis, based on combining the same basic operations of converting the first and second operands by modulo-2 addition. Constructing a complete mathematical group of these operations is carried out by the additional use of permutation operations and operands’ inversion of the base group operations. The application of the method allows synthesizing all the twenty-four modifications of two-bit symmetric modulo-2 addition operations based on applying the three basic one-operand two-bit operations of information cryptographic conversion.Item БАГАТОРІВНЕВА БЕЗПЕКА ІНФОРМАЦІЙНИХ СИСТЕМ. MULTI-LEVEL SECURITY OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS(2019) Дудикевич, Валерій Богданович; Dudykevych, Valerii; Микитин, Галина Василівна; Mykytyn, HalynaMulti-level Information Security (infosec) model of Information Systems (IS) is made of three levels: external, internal and mandatory security policy. External and internal security levels are based on conception “object – threat – protection”. Among the IS external security threats: the absence of zones of authorized access, unauthorized access (UAA) in the equipment repair mode, hardware and power supply failures. To protect information on IS external level are used: access control systems, radio frequency identification systems, closed circuit television, biometric systems that provides: access control and restriction, monitoring of buildings and rooms by using workstations, usage of passwords and employees’ access sharing , biometric protection against UAA. The threats of internal IS was considered: objective, subjective, casual, purposeful. Among the casual threats to IS security: failures and malfunctions of hardware, power supply failures, sensor glitches etc. Purposeful threats are based on offender’s behavior model and lead to leakage of confidential data, its unauthorized modification and its purposeful destruction. Technologies of providing infosec on hardware and software IS levels were presented. The infosec hardware levels provides: detection of tap devices, suppression of side electromagnetic radiation and interference etc. The infosec software level provides: subject identification/authentication, encryption of information resources, detecting software taps etc. Mandatory security policy provides a high level of information protection security due to the algorithm of countering information leakage from high- access objects to low-access objects. Multi-level IS security model is universal-designed and can be modified for informatization tasks and intellectualization of public infra- structure objects in the area of providing security infosec.Item СТАБІЛЬНВСТЬ АВТЕНТИФІКАЦІЙНИХ ОЗНАК ВНУТРІШНІХ ЕЛЕКТРИЧНИХ ШУМІВ КОМ'ПЮТЕРІВ. STABILITY OF AUTHENTICATION SIGNS OF INTERNAL ELECTRICAL NOISE OF COMPUTERS(2019) Нємкова, Олена Анатоліївна; Niemkova, Olena; Шандра, Зіновій Антонович; Shandra, ZinoviiThe article is devoted to an experimental study of the influence of external electromagnetic fields of various natures, as well as the most probable internal causes that arise during computer operation on authentication templates of internal electrical noise. As authentication templates of computer noise, bit and peak templates were used, which were calculated from the values of the normalized autocorrelation functions of discrete samples of internal electrical noise, as well as the corresponding thresholds were calculated. The use of such templates is possible due to the property of the autocorrelation function of stationary noise to maintain a constant shape. The presence of strong external electromagnetic fields can distort the noise measured by the ADC of the computer so that the distance between the current template and the template, measured in the absence of electromagnetic disturbances, is greater than the threshold. The instability of internal electrical noise may be due to the operation of a pulse- width converter of the power supply (DC/AC), which is possible with a variable load on the central processor. The effects of various factors that could be causing instability of internal electrical noise were measured using a laptop with a low noise level. It was experimentally proved that such factors as the operation of the central processor with an average load (the average load on the cores of the central processor was 68 %), the operation of the video card in the movie viewing mode (without sound), fluctuations in the external temperature from 5 °C to 36 °C, work office and household appliances, including mobile and radiotelephones, the conditions of electric transport do not affect the template within the authentication threshold. External factors that can significantly affect the pattern, such as intense electromagnetic radiation in close proximity to airports, broadcast towers, or in pre-thunderstorm weather, have a fairly low implementation risk, of the order of 3–5 %, therefore, re-conducting noise measurement at subsequent times will enable authentication.Item МЕТОД КОДУВАННЯ ЗНАЧУЩОЇ КООРДИНАТНО-ЯСКРАВІСНОЇ СКЛАДОВОЇ ВІДЕОЗНІМКА В ІНФОКОМУНІКАЦІЙНИХ СИСТЕМАХ. METHOD OF ENCODING THE SIGNIFICANT COORDINATE- BRIGHTNESS COMPONENT OF VIDEO IMAGES WITHIN INFO- COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS(2019) Бараннік, Володимир ВІкторович; Barannik, Volodymyr; Сорокун, Антон Дмитрович; Sorokun, Anton; Бабенко, Юрій Михайлович; Babenko, Yurii; Яковенко, Олександр Васильович; Yakovenko, OleksandrThe article is devoted to building the method of video encoding at the level of individual frames of the video stream in real time (in the process of transmission of video data to recipients) to improve the functioning of network multimedia video services due to the fact that the share of video data that are transmitted over the network is constantly growing. As a result, traffic becomes more complex, along with the intellectualization of network services. However, the quality of the video data received is constantly increasing. Thus, the task of increasing the efficiency of video services on the basis of information and communication networks remains relevant. This task can be solved as at the level of end nodes, and at the level of traffic management within the network nodes. However, the possibilities of such traffic management in conditions of its complexity are limited, because the overall load on the network remains constant. One of the most common and effective solutions is coding methods aimed at reducing the intensity of video data in the network. But the possibilities of traditional methods without further quality reduction have reached their theoretical limit. Under these conditions, the most rational methods are those that are based on eliminating new types of redundancy. This takes into account the fact that the method developed should provide redundancy without making additional mistakes. The method described in this article suggests an approach to building a code representation of a significant coordinate-brightness component of video. Coding is based on the description of the coordinate-brightness component in the form of a structural position number with global and local inequality of values of neighboring elements. This approach includes a two-hierarchical scheme of code value formation for a set of areas of coherence after an unequal sub-sample with the detection and exclusion of elements with equal values.Item ПУТИ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ КРИМИНАЛИСТИЧЕСКОЙ ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИИ АППАРАТУРЫ ЦИФРОВОЙ ЗВУКОЗАПИСИ. WAYS OF ENHANCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FORENSIC IDENTIFICATION OF DIGITAL AUDIO RECORDING EQUIPMENT(2019) Рыбальский, Олег Владимирович; Rybalskyi, Oleh; Соловьев, Виктор Иванович; Soloviov, Viktor; Журавель, Вадим Васильевич; Zhuravel, VadymThe article deals with the issues of building a toolkit for diagnosing the originality of digital soundtracks and identification of digital audio recording equipment. One of the last variants of creation of the expert toolkit intended for identification of digital recording equipment is the “Fractal” toolkit, but its efficiency is reduced because identification signs are allocated from signals of pauses in the language information (pauses between words) recorded on a phonogram. The purpose of the article is to improve the expert toolkit for identification of sound recording equipment based on the fractal approach to the signals of its own noises. It is suggested to use the separation of hardware noises not only from pauses, but also from a mixture of signals with the entire duration of the phonogram. At the same time, the volume of information from which the identification features of the equipment are allocated increases significantly. Such separation of the own noise signals ensures the increased efficiency of the identification system. The proposed methods of separation and processing of self-similar structures from phonograms, used as identification features in the examination. One of the proposed methods is based on the separation of self-similar structures of the phonogram’s own noises along its entire length from their mixture with language and sound environment signals. The second method provides for mandatory building of error curves of the first and second types when developing the system. When building them, it is necessary to use a large amount of data that can be obtained from a limited number of phonograms by dividing them into separate sections of different lengths in automatic mode. It has been established that for phonograms lasting more than 20 seconds, the error curves are stable, in other words, they practically do not change. The degree of closeness of parameters of self-similar structures, separated from the compared phonograms, is offered to define as the module of distance between the normalized fractal curves, received at measurements of fractal characteristics. The proposed methods allow increasing considerably the efficiency of establishing the originality of soundtracks and identification of digital recording equipment during the expertise.Item СЕРЕДНІЙ ЧАС ДО ПОЧАТКУ УСПІШНОГО ОБСЛУГОВУВАННЯ В ТЕЛЕКОМУНІКАЦІЙНИХ СИСТЕМАХ ІЗ ВИПАДКОВИМ МНОЖИННИМ ДОСТУПОМ ТА ВИЯВЛЕННЯМ КОНФЛІКТІВ. AVERAGE TIME BEFORE SUCCESSFUL MAINTENANCE IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS WITH RANDOM MULTIPLE ACCESS AND CONFLICT DETECTION(2019) Єрохін, ВІктор Федорович; Yerokhin, Victor; Полякова, Анастасія Сергіївна; Poliakova, Anastasiіa; Сбоєв, Роман Юрійович; Sboiev, RomanAt present, the global growth of communication needs makes us more efficient in using of the frequency spectrum. The development of communication systems requires an increase of throughput, while the frequency spectrum is limited, which will not allow to increase the width of the channel or their number. Assuming that it is possible to transmit several interfering signals at one frequency, then the problem is to separate these signals. It is obvious that the complexity of demodulation procedures will increase significantly compared to the classical ones. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether such an increase of complexity will be justified. To answer this question, you need to determine how the throughput of some random multiple access system, where multiple reusing of the frequency resource is possible, may increase. For the research carrier sense multiple access protocol with conflicts detection was chosen, which have become widespread in the packet networks for their successful combination of the relative simplicity of access algorithms and sufficiently high efficiency. The main characteristics of the random multiple access protocols are the throughput and the average time before the start of successful service and we choose the second for research. The purpose of the research is evaluation and comparative analysis of the average time before the start of successful service of varieties of multiple access protocols with carrier sense and conflict detection with additional assumptions about the conflicts resolving at the physical layer. The object of research is random multiple access communication systems. The subject of research is asymptotic methods for analyzing multiple access protocols. This method was first proposed by A. Nazarov. In this case, complete solutions can usually be obtained only in exceptional situations characterized by the forced imposition of rigid simplifying restrictions on the statistical nature of the processes in research. Due to these limitations, approximate solutions to the problem can be obtained with fairly broad assumptions about inbound flow statistics and service discipline, even in the absence of an explicit form of appropriate distributions. Therefore, estimates of the basic parameters random multiple access protocols can be obtained in a low-cost analytical way, without full-scale or simulation modeling.