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Item КРИМІНАЛЬНО-ПРАВОВЕ ЗНАЧЕННЯ "НЕБЕЗПЕЧНОЇ ПРОДУКЦІЇ" ЗА ЗАКОНОДАВСТВОМ УКРАЇНИ. CRIMINAL LEGAL MEANING OF "DANGEROUS PRODUCT" ACCORDING TO THE LEGISLATION OF UKRAINE(2022) МОРОЗОВСЬКА, Оксана Анатоліївна; MOROZOVSKA, OksanaУ статті здійснено дослідження кримінально-правового значення терміну «небезпечна продукція» за законодавством України. Кримінальний кодекс України під небезпечною продукцією розуміє продукцію, що не відповідає вимогам до безпечності продукції, встановленим нормативно-правовими актами. Найбільш прийнятним, на думку вчених, є визначення продукції, яке охоплює харчові і нехарчові товари, а також роботи і послуги. Небезпечною є продукція, яка за звичайних умов використання становить ризик для життя і здоров’я людей, майна споживачів (користувачів), а також для навколишнього природного середовища. The paper examines the criminal-legal meaning of the term «dangerous product» under the legislation of Ukraine. The Criminal Code of Ukraine defines dangerous products as products that do not meet the requirements for product safety established by normative legal acts. The Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Consumer Rights» uses the terms «product safety» and «adequate quality of goods, work or services». The term «product» covers any product (goods), work or service that is manufactured, performed or provided to meet public needs. Product safety means the absence of any risk to the life, health, property of the consumer and the natural environment under normal conditions of use, storage, transportation, manufacture and disposal of products. The proper quality of goods, work or services is a property of products that meets the requirements established for this category of products in regulatory acts and the terms of the contract with the consumer. The Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Consumer Rights» also obliges to put into circulation and sell products for which regulatory and legal acts, including technical regulations, establish requirements regarding safety for life, health, property of consumers and the natural environment. The most acceptable, according to scientists, is the definition of products, which includes food and non-food products, as well as works and services. Dangerous products are products that, under normal conditions of use, pose a risk to the life and health of people, the property of consumers (users), as well as to the natural environment. The application of criminal liability in case of violation of the property rights of consumers in connection with the sale to them of products of inadequate quality (substandard products) is inappropriate.