Проблемні питання процедури публічних закупівель в Україні. Problem Issues Regarding Procedures of Public Procurements in Ukraine
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Стаття присвячена проблемним питанням здійснення публічних закупівель в Україні. Проаналізовано позиції висловлені в юридичній літературі щодо процедурних питань пов’язаних з розглядом та оцінкою тендерних пропозицій в межах публічних закупівель. Розглянуто основні нормативно-правові акти, що регламентують досліджуваний процес. Виокремлено суб’єктів моніторингу публічних закупівель та їх повноваження. Запропоновано шляхи удосконалення. The article deals with the procedure of public procurements in Ukraine which allow the state to perform its duties with minimum budgetary expenses. Problems related to consideration and evaluation of tender offers which are the least researched and the most “vulnerable” have been investigated. Positions in legal literature regarding procedural issues related to consideration and evaluation of tender offers within public procurements have been analyzed. The main legal acts which regulate this procedure and aim at adjusting and ensuring the procedure of public procurements, bringing procedures of procurements in line with international standards; an expert opinion of anti-corruption study of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Public Procurements’ of 25.12.2015 have been investigated. It has been established that at the stage of consideration and evaluation of tender offers some violations are committed by the contractors starting from the identification of the participant as a winner when his/her offer does not comply with requirements of tender documentation as well as rejected of the offer based on pointless reasons which do not follow the requirements of tender documentation, rejection on the basis of contractor’s own research and others which create significant corruption risks. Filing of complaints against procedures of procurements has been analyzed. Electronic complaints are submitted by the claimant through online procurement system based on certain reasons and within established time limits. It has been established that procurements are monitored during the procedure of procurement, making of a procurement agreement and its performance but the monitoring does not terminate the procedure of procurement. Subjects authorized for monitoring of public procurements have been identified. The powers of subjects who control procurement procedures have been analyzed. It has been found out that effective sources of law which regulate the procedure of public procurements need to be improved.
Мельничук С.М. Проблемні питання процедури публічних закупівель в Україні. Журнал східноєвропейського права. 2019. № 64. С. 139-145. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3267126
публічні закупівлі, сучасна держава Україна, реалізація функцій сучасної держави Україна, тендерні пропозиції, оцінка тендерних пропозицій, замовник, учасник, public procurements, modern Ukrainian state, performance of functions of the modern state Ukraine, tender proposals, evaluation of tender proposals, customer, participant, публичные закупки, современное государство Украина, реализация функций современного государства Украина, тендерные предложения, оценка тендерных предложений, заказчик, учасник