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Item МІЖНАРОДНІ СТАНДАРТИ ЗАПОБІГАННЯ НЕНАЛЕЖНОМУ ПОВОДЖЕННЮ З ОСОБАМИ, ПОЗБАВЛЕНИМИ СВОБОДИ В УМОВАХ ПАНДЕМІЇ COVID-19. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR THE PREVENTION OF THE ILL-TREATMENT OF PERSONS DEPRIVED OF THEIR LIBERTY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CORONAVIRUS DISEASE (COVID-19) PANDEMIC(2021) ЯМЕЛЬСЬКА, Христина Юріївна; YAMELSKA, KhrystynaУ статті досліджено міжнародні стандарти запобігання неналежному поводженню з особами, позбавленими свободи в умовах пандемії COVID-19 у країнах членах Ради Європи. Проаналізовано Перелік принципів, що стосуються поводження з особами, позбавленими свободи, у контексті пандемії коронавірусної хвороби (COVID-19). Визначено позитивні зобов’язання держави у сфері гарантування прав людини, а саме юридичні, практичні та похідні засоби. Досліджено відповіді держав-членів на низку питань, що були предметом рекомендацій КЗК упродовж багатьох років. The paper examines international standards for the prevention of ill-treatment of persons deprived of their liberty in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the member states of the Council of Europe. The Committee's Statement of principles relating to the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty in the context of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic has been analyzed. The paper identifies the positive obligations of the state in the field of guaranteeing human rights, namely legal, practical and derivative means. The responses of Member States to a number of questions that have been the subject of CPT recommendations for many years have been examined. The absolute nature of the prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, which is an imperative of international law, is revealed. The basic principle must be to take all possible action to protect the health and safety of all persons deprived of their liberty. The paper defines the following principles: 1. WHO guidelines on fighting the pandemic as well as national health and clinical guidelines consistent with international standards must be respected and implemented fully in all places of deprivation of liberty. 2. Staff availability should be reinforced, and health and safety protection as well as training necessary in order to be able to continue to fulfil their tasks in places of deprivation of liberty. 3. Any restrictive measure taken vis-à-vis persons deprived of their liberty to prevent the spread of Covid-19 should have a legal basis and be necessary, proportionate, respectful of human dignity and restricted in time. 4. Alternatives to deprivation of liberty. 5. Special attention will be required to the specific needs of detained persons with particular regard to vulnerable groups and/or at-risk groups, such as older persons and persons with pre-existing medical conditions. 6. Restrictions on contact with the outside world, including visits, should be compensated for by increased access to alternative means of communication (such as telephone or Voice-overInternet-Protocol communication). 7. Respect of the right to maintain adequate personal hygiene (including access to hot water and soap) and the right of daily access to the open air (of at least one hour). 8. Fundamental safeguards against the ill-treatment of persons in the custody of law enforcement officials (access to a lawyer, access to a doctor, notification of custody) must be fully respected in all circumstances and at all times.