ПРИШЛЯК, Галина ЯрославівнаPRYSHLIAK, Halyna2023-10-142023-10-142021https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25896У статті розглядається поняття народного контролю як суспільно-політичного явища, що є важливим для реалізації екологічних прав у державі. Охарактеризовано праці вітчизняних та закордонних вчених стосовно виникнення та розвитку народного контролю. Зроблено висновки про те, що дуже мало наукових праць, які б розглядали поняття важливість контролю народу як окремого правового інституту, та, який відіграє неабияку роль у реалізації екологічних прав у державі. Тому необхідно глибше опрацьовувати проблему контролю народу, яка є на сьогодні дуже актуальною, адже побудова демократичної, правової держави неможлива без цього. The problem of people's control, the importance of which is indisputable for the implementation of environmental rights in the state, is one of the most complex, significant and fundamental issues in the theory of state and law. Theoretical understanding and development of practical recommendations for solving this problem is a necessary condition for effective scientific management of social processes. Discovering the essence of the concept of "people's control" as a fundamentally new legal category for domestic science, as well as solving a number of other problems of theory and practice of such control requires a thorough study of its formation as a separate independent legal institution and approval and improvement of its forms. It should be noted that the control of the people is one of the types of public control, which consists in monitoring citizens over the activities of public authorities, their officials, as well as analysis and verification of these activities, aimed at preventing, detecting and stopping actions that cause violations and legitimate human interests, including environmental. In addition, control is an important factor in the formation of civil society and the element that ensures the relationship between government and the people, which in turn is a necessary condition for building a democratic and legal state. Thus, it can be noted that all the mentioned authors consider only certain areas of people's control, bypassing such an important factor as recognizing it as a separate independent legal institution that has an important impact on the implementation of rights, including environmental. The actualization of this provision is especially intensified in view of the fact that the process of institutionalization of civil society is underway in Ukraine, and the turbulent events of political life give it certain impulses. Thus, the importance of people's control in various spheres of state and public activity, including environmental, is not in doubt, and its level corresponds to the development of democracy, civil society institutions, their impact on public authorities. Public control is designed to increase the responsibility of the state to citizens for its decisions and for the achievement of state obligations, as well as to ensure the proper exercise of rights and freedoms, including environmental.uk-UAвлададемократіяконтроль народуекологічні правадержаваpowerdemocracycontrol of the peopleenvironmental rightsthe stateВАЖЛИВІСТЬ НАРОДНОГО КОНТРОЛЮ У РЕАЛІЗАЦІЇ ЕКОЛОГІЧНИХ ПРАВ: ТЕОРЕТИКО-ПРАВОВИЙ АСПЕКТ. THE IMPORTANCE OF PEOPLE'S CONTROL IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS: THEORETICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTArticle