Пастух, Ігор ДмитровичPastukh, Ihor2021-04-012021-04-012021-04https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/18583У дисертації окреслено методологію та історіографію дослідження запобігання та врегулювання конфліктів інтересів, розкрито зміст публічних правовідносин як сфери виникнення конфлікту інтересів, надано поняття, визначено структуру та виокремлено види таких конфліктів. Досліджено адміністративно-правові засоби запобігання та врегулювання конфлікту інтересів у публічно-правових відносинах; охарактеризовано систему суб’єктів та визначено порядок їх дій щодо повідомлення та врегулювання конфлікту інтересів. Проаналізовано порядок запобігання та врегулювання конфліктів інтересів, що виникають у зв’язку із недотриманням окремих видів обмежень, встановлених законодавством у сфері запобігання корупції. Розкрито зміст адміністративної відповідальності за порушення вимог щодо запобігання та врегулювання конфлікту інтересів. Досліджено зарубіжний досвід правового регулювання конфлікту інтересів, сформульовано концептуальні підходи та надано авторські пропозиції та рекомендації щодо удосконалення запобігання та врегулювання конфлікту інтересів у публічно-правових відносинах засобами адміністративного права. В диссертации обозначены методология и историография исследования предотвращения и урегулирования конфликтов интересов, раскрыто содержание публичных правоотношений как сферы возникновения конфликта интересов, представлено понятия, определена структура и выделены виды таких конфликтов. The dissertation is devoted to the complex research of prevention and settlement of the conflict of interest in public legal relations by means of administrative law. It outlines the methodology of research on prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest by means of administrative law, analyzes the historiography of research and identifies the stages of legal regulation of prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest, reveals the content of public relations as a sphere of conflict. The structure and types of conflict of interest are determined. Conflict of interest is defined as the presence of a private interest of a public official, which may or does affect the objectivity or impartiality of decision-making or the commission or failure to act, in the exercise of his official, representative or other public authority. It is argued that the constituent elements of the conflict of interest are: a) discretionary official, representative, and other public powers (including non-governmental); b) the private interest of the person exercising such powers; c) the possibility of influencing or influencing the private interest on the objectivity or impartiality of the exercise of discretionary official or other public authority. The administrative and legal means of preventing and resolving conflicts of interest in public law relations are studied, their concepts are formulated and the types of such means are classified. It is proved that administrative-legal means of prevention and settlement of conflict of interests in public-law relations are only a part of different in essence and purpose legal levers (instructions, prohibitions and permits) of means of administration of conflict of interests. Administrative and legal means of administration of conflict of interest in public law is a set of administrative law set of different in nature and purpose of legal instruments, measures, procedures aimed at jointly solving the problem of preventing conflicts of interest, resolve such conflicts in case of their occurrence, provide monitoring compliance with the relevant procedures, as well as bringing the perpetrators to justice if necessary. Types of such means are defined: a) measures to prevent conflicts of interest; b) measures to resolve conflicts of interest; c) monitoring measures; d) measures of administrative coercion. The system of subjects of prevention and settlement of conflict of interests is also characterized, their legal status is revealed, the order of notification and settlement of conflict of interests in public legal relations is revealed. Proposals have been made for legislative consolidation: a) forms of decision on application of external conflict of interest measures - to provide for oral or written form for decision on removal of a person from performance of task, action, decision-making or participation in its adoption in conditions of real or potential conflict of interests; for other events - only in writing; b) the organizational and structural level of the head, who has the right to decide on the exercise of powers under external control. Particular attention is paid to identifying the features of prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest in connection with the presence of enterprises or corporate rights. It was found that as a result of the transfer of corporate rights, their final alienation does not occur, the person, despite the legal requirement, continues to have a private interest and conflict of interest in the future does not lose its relevance. There are solutions to this problem. The specifics of conflicts of interest arising from non-compliance with restrictions on the receipt of gifts emphasize that not every decision made by an authorized person in favor of the person from whom he or his relatives received a gift should be considered as taken in conditions of conflict of interest. The presence or absence of such a conflict depends on the time of receipt of the gift and its type. The peculiarities of conflicts of interest that arise during combination and combination with other activities are revealed, the need to expand the rights of persons authorized to perform state or local government functions, to receive income from the activities of renting movable and immovable property, granting police rights during service to engage in medical practice, coaching and refereeing practice in sports. The content of conflicts of interest that arise during the joint work of loved ones is clarified. The types of liability for violation of the requirements for prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest are outlined, the concepts and grounds of administrative liability for such violations are revealed, the administrative penalties imposed for violation of requirements for prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest are described. It is proposed that the termination of public service (employment), as a consequence of bringing to administrative responsibility for offenses related to corruption, should be provided only in cases of their commission in connection with the performance of official (labor) duties. The content of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses related to the violation of the requirements for the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest is disclosed. It was deemed expedient to grant the right to appeal the decision on the case of an administrative offense related to corruption to the officials who drew up the relevant protocols on administrative offenses. A comparative analysis of foreign experience in legal regulation of conflicts of interest, identified areas for improvement of legislation in the field of prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest in public relations, in particular, by establishing the possibility of resolving conflicts of interest independently by the head of the body interests, the introduction of the obligation to declare private interests, the creation of special (temporary) commissions in the structure of the body, enterprise, institution, organization, to resolve conflicts of interest. Other conceptual approaches are formulated and the author's offers and recommendations on improvement of prevention and settlement of the conflict of interests in public-law relations by means of administrative law are given.uk-UAконфлікт інтересівпотенційний конфлікт інтересівреальний конфлікт інтересівпублічно-правові відносинизапобігання конфлікту інтересівврегулювання конфлікту інтересівадміністративна відповідальністьконфликт интересовпублично-правовые отношенияурегулирование конфликта интересовадминистративная ответственностьpotential conflict of interestsreal conflict of interestspublic-law relationsprevention of conflict of interestssettlement of conflict of interestsadministrative responsibilityЗапобігання та врегулювання конфлікту інтересів у публічно-правових відносинах засобами адміністративного права. Prevention and settlement of conflict of interests in public law relations by means of administrative law.Предотвращение и урегулирование конфликта интересов в публично-правовых отношениях средствами административного права.Book