КОВТУНЕНКО, Ксенія ВалеріївнаKOVTUNENKO, KseniiaФОМІНА, Наталія МиколаївнаFOMINA, NataliiaТВЕРДОХЛІБОВА, Анастасія ВалеріївнаTVERDOKHLIBOVA, Anastasiia2023-09-122023-09-122022https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25354У статті вивчено основні підходи до визначення поняття «просування продукції». Узагальнено, що просування продукції – це комплекс заходів з поширення інформації про продукт, лінійку продуктів, бренд і компанію серед потенційних покупців з метою збільшення продажів і розвитку лояльності до бренду. Виявлено, що просування продукту – це важливий спосіб стимулювання продажів та збільшення доходу для покриття витрат на початкові дослідження та розроблення, витрати на виробництво та випробування продукції. Однак неретельно спланована рекламна кампанія може принести великі збитки. The paper is devoted to the study of the most widespread issues and difficulties of product promotion implementation nowadays, considering current complicated conditions of uncertainty. The paper covers the main definitions of product promotion as the fourth element of the marketing complex, which necessitates the study and generalization of the experience of Ukraine and other countries. The study examines product promotion as an important way to drive sales and increase revenue to cover initial research and development costs, manufacturing costs, and product testing. However, a poorly planned advertising campaign can bring big losses. Therefore, successful product promotion involves creative marketing strategies to increase sales by reaching a specific audience. Product launch and promotion are parts of a manufacturing company's process to increase revenue and brand loyalty. It can also be noted that product promotion is the process by which a company uses the means at its disposal to encourage customers to buy their products. Companies may offer exclusive offers, discounts, and other opportunities for a limited period to entice customers to purchase their product or service. Since customers usually want to receive a favourable offer, it is the quality of product promotion that becomes the determining factor in the process of the customer deciding whether to buy your product or your competitor's product. Promotion is the fourth element of the marketing complex (namely: product, price, distribution, and promotion), which is considered as a method of communication. This element is used by the enterprise to achieve a certain set of goals, such as: providing potential buyers with information about the availability of functions and use of the product; stimulating demand for the product by increasing awareness and interest among customers; emphasizing the difference between the company's product and the competitor's product by creating customer loyalty to the brand; stabilization of sales, emphasizing the importance and features of the product. These goals have shown that product promotion is one of the most important ways to increase the profits of the company and to keep further improvement in difficult conditions.uk-UAмаркетингпросування продукціїкомплекс маркетингурекламаmarketingproduct promotionmarketing complexadvertisingПРОСУВАННЯ ПРОДУКЦІЇ ЯК ЧЕТВЕРТИЙ ЕЛЕМЕНТ КОМПЛЕКСУ МАРКЕТИНГУ. PRODUCT PROMOTION AS THE FOURTH ELEMENT OF THE MARKETING COMPLEXArticle