Парагайло, Віталій ОлександровичParahailo, Vitalii2021-04-012021-04-012021-04https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/18585Досліджено адміністративно-правове регулювання порядку вивезення, ввезення та повернення культурних цінностей в Україну. Здійснено ретроспективний аналіз ґенези розвитку адміністративно-правового регулювання обігу культурних цінностей в Україні, а також визначено особливості сучасного його стану. Проаналізовано наявну систему суб’єктів у сфері обігу культурних цінностей в Україні. Виявлено особливості адміністративних процедур оформлення права на вивезення (тимчасове вивезення) культурних цінностей з України, а також можливі шляхи оптимізації зазначеного порядку дій. Розкрито основні аспекти адміністративних процедур ввезення (тимчасове ввезення) культурних цінностей в Україну. Встановлено сутність адміністративних процедур щодо повернення культурних цінностей. Висвітлено міжнародні стандарти з охорони національних культурних цінностей та їх упровадження в національну правову систему. Узагальнено зарубіжний досвід адміністративно-правового регулювання порядку вивезення, ввезення, повернення національних культурних цінностей та шляхи його імплементації в Україні. Исследовано административно-правовое регулирование порядка вывоза, ввоза и возвращения культурных ценностей в Украину. The peculiarities of cultural values as an object of legal regulation have been investigated. A retrospective analysis of the genesis of the development of administrative and legal regulation of the circulation of cultural values in Ukraine, as well as features of its current state have been conducted. The existing system of subjects in the sphere of circulation of cultural values in Ukraine has been characterized. The peculiarities of administrative procedures for registration of the right to export (temporary exportation) of cultural property from Ukraine, as well as possible ways of optimization of the specified order of actions have been revealed. The main aspects of administrative procedures for the import (temporary importation) of cultural property to Ukraine have been revealed. The essence of administrative procedures for the return of cultural property has been established. A detailed description of international standards for the protection of national cultural values and its implementation in the national legal system has been done. Foreign experience of administrative and legal regulation of the order of export, import and return of national cultural values and ways of its implementation in Ukraine have been generalized. The analysis of the basic legal acts gives grounds to state the absence of a single definition of the concept, as well as the absence of an accurate (exhaustive) list of objects that fall under the category of "cultural values". Based on the analysis of legislative and doctrinal definitions, it is necessary to identify the main features of cultural values. It is determined that all available cultural values can be divided into general and special ones. There has been proposed to classify cultural values in order to determine the place of one or another cultural value in their general system, to establish the necessary legal regime for its circulation. Under the administrative-legal regulation in the area of circulation of cultural values, we understand the activity of specially authorized subjects of public administration, based on the prescriptions of laws and other legal acts, to ensure the proper circulation of cultural values. The genesis of administrative and legal regulation of the circulation of cultural values in Ukraine and the prerequisites for its establishment in the legal monuments of different historical periods are inseparably linked to the main stages of formation and incipience of administrative and legal relations in the Ukrainian lands. The most important normative acts that form the basis of administrative and legal regulation of the circulation of cultural values in Ukraine are the laws of Ukraine – the Constitution of Ukraine, the Customs Code of Ukraine, the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Tax Code of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "On Exports, Imports and Returns of Cultural Property" of 21.09. 1999 No. 1068-XIV, «On museums and museum work» of 29.06.1995 № 249/95-ВР, «On culture» of 14.10.2010 № 2778-VI, «On protection of cultural heritage» of 08.06.2000 № 1805-III, "On protection of archaeological heritage" of 18.03.2004 № 1626-IV and other. The regulatory framework for the administrative and legal regulation of the circulation of cultural values in Ukraine, in addition to the laws, is made up of numerous subordinate administrative legal acts issued by entities authorized to define, conduct, formulate and implement state policy in researched field, as well as international legal acts and international treaties, the consent of which was provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. A key element of the administrative and legal regulation of the circulation of cultural property in Ukraine is the entities that implement it and implement state policy in the field. Under the system of subjects for the circulation of cultural property, we understand the list of state bodies, which are responsible for ensuring and controlling and ordering the import, export and temporary export of cultural property, and are realized by establishing the separate rights and duties of such authorities. There has been stated that at present the absence of a central executive body that would exercise control and control over the circulation of cultural property is a negative phenomenon. The concentration of all powers in the said field only in the line ministry substantially limits the functions of the central authorities, which are specified in the special legislation. An important task of state bodies in the sphere of circulation of cultural values in the current conditions of development of our country is the question of the return of cultural values, which are currently in the territory of the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine and the territory of the annexed Crimean peninsula. The administrative procedure should be understood as the procedure established by the rules of administrative law for consideration by public administration bodies of individual administrative cases concerning the realization and protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities. There has been established that the administrative procedures for export (temporary exportation), importation (temporary importation) and return of cultural values in Ukraine are characterized by the stability and clear procedure of certain actions. The final stage of any of the above administrative procedures is the preparation of an administrative act (the issuance of a certificate of export, import or return of cultural property). Based on the analysis of foreign experience of administrative procedures in the research area, it is suggested that: in the process of reforming the system of protection of cultural values in Ukraine, it is necessary to properly unify the accounting data on cultural values; we propose to create in Ukraine an automated centralized database of records – the State Register of Cultural Property – this web resource will serve not only as a complete list of objects of cultural national heritage, but above all as a registration platform for the latter; also one of the necessary steps now, including to systematize existing acts, is to adopt a unified document – the Code on Cultural Values of Ukraine. This Code should become the basic regulatory act in the branch of preservation and protection of cultural property in Ukraine (such as the Code of French Cultural Heritage (Code du patrimoine); thoroughly filled and staffed is the regional commissions' staff, which would be advisable to adopt for creating authorized territorial subdivisions of the central executive body, which ensures the formation of state policy in the field of export, import and return of cultural property in Ukraine; it is necessary to supplement the national law a norm that would regulate the issue of the import into the territory of Ukraine of cultural heritage objects from the occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions; to create the central body or authorized person for import, export and return of cultural property from the occupied territories, to which give authority of legislative proposals, the settlement of disputes and representation in court on behalf of the state.uk-UAкультурні цінностіадміністративно-правове регулюванняадміністративна процедуратимчасове ввезеннятимчасове вивезенняповерненнякультурные ценностиадминистративно-правовое регулированиеcultural propertyadministrative and legal regulationadministrative procedureimporttemporary importationexporttemporary exportreturnАдміністративно-правове регулювання порядку вивезення, ввезення та повернення в Україну культурних цінностей.Administrative and legal regulation of the order of export, import and return to Ukraine of cultural values.Административно-правовое регулирование порядка вывоза, ввоза и возвращения в Украину культурных ценностей.Book