Азарова, Анна АндріївнаAzarova, Anna A.2020-06-302020-06-302020-06https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/16990Дисертація присвячена проблемним аспектам та особливостям кримінологічної характеристики та запобігання завідомо неправдивим повідомленням про загрозу безпеці громадян, знищення чи пошкодження об’єктів власності. У роботі також надано класифікацію кримінологічно значущих ознак осіб, що завідомо неправдиво повідомляють про загрозу безпеці громадян, знищення чи пошкодження об’єктів власності; визначено особливості заходів загальносоціального запобігання цим злочинам та проведення заходів спеціально-кримінологічного запобігання ним; також визначено деякі аспекти методології дослідження кримінологічної характеристики та запобігання аналізованим злочинним діянням; визначені окремі кримінологічні показники вчинення цих злочинів; представлені пропозиції щодо удосконалення кримінальної відповідальності та запобігання завідомо неправдивим повідомленням про загрозу безпеці громадян, знищення чи пошкодження об’єктів власності. The dissertation is devoted to the problematic aspects and peculiarities of criminological characteristics and prevention of deliberately false reports about threats to the safety of citizens, destruction or damage to property. The state of scientific development of problems of prevention of deliberately false message about threat to public safety, destruction or damage of property objects is considered, it is defined as an object of criminological study, some aspects of methodology of its study are investigated. In addition, the problematic aspects of criminal liability for these crimes are analyzed. It is noted that deliberately false reports of threats to the safety of citizens, destruction or damage to property objects today represent a high public danger, since their commission causes disruptions to the normal activities of organizations and institutions, and distracts the forces and means of law enforcement agencies and services, which should provide assistance in extreme situations. One of the important aspects that significantly influences the problem of improving the criminal liability for deliberately false reports about threats to the safety of citizens, destruction and damage to property is the study of the nature and occurrence of this crime. It seems to be a derivative of real terrorism, of the real danger of an explosion, from which the entire world community occasionally shudders. And, therefore, this phenomenon will not be completely eradicated in the near future, since real terrorism will not be defeated yet. That is why, in the present, our efforts should be aimed at reducing the number of false reports of explosions committed, and to achieve this goal, one must investigate the reasons why a sufficiently severe criminal penalty does not stop criminals. Determinants of deliberately false reports of threats to the safety of citizens, destruction or damage to property are objectively causally related to these crimes. In general, the list of determinants of deliberately false reports of threats to the safety of citizens, destruction or damage to property can not be exhaustive. Considering them systematically, the study conditionally divided them into the following groups: socio-economic, political-legal, moral and psychological. In each particular case, the perpetrators of the crimes analyzed may be affected to a greater or lesser extent. For the effective prevention of the analyzed crimes at the special-criminological level, it is proposed to use such groups of measures as: general measures (creation of databases of persons involved in committing certain groups of crimes; analysis of existing information in the analytical and information search systems of units of law enforcement agencies; advisory assistance to the population); organizational measures (introduction of reporting to heads of units before the public on the decisions taken in criminal proceedings; holding joint meetings of heads of investigation units and units of the criminal police on the progress of the investigation of identified crimes. In the system of these measures, it is also possible to distinguish measures of organizational and technical nature - internal affairs by means of communication, computer equipment, search and operational equipment, etc.); practical measures (inspections of persons accused of similar crimes, who are exempt from punishment; introduction of video surveillance systems on particularly important objects, etc.). When preventing deliberately false reports of threats to the security of citizens, destruction or damage to property objects, the interior agencies closely cooperate with the bodies of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. At present, the legal support for preventive action in relation to these crimes remains low. There are several legal acts that regulate this area of law enforcement activities. In order to fulfill the requirements of these documents, complex programs for crime prevention and public order protection have been developed in administrative units. However, they also do not contain a regulatory framework for the interaction of law enforcement units with the aim of preventing a deliberately false report about a threat to citizens’ safety, destruction or damage to property. In order to improve the effectiveness of the prevention of these crimes, it is of utmost importance today to develop an order for such interaction, to define a set of measures in the process of implementation of which various law enforcement agencies will be involved. This will ensure the effective and fruitful identification and elimination of circumstances that create the conditions for committing such crimes.uk-UAповідомлення, вибух, загроза, злочинець, запобіганняmessage, explosion, threat, offender, prevention, prevention, information, safety, destruction, damageКримінологічна характеристика та запобігання завідомо неправдивим повідомленням про загрозу безпеці громадян, знищення чи пошкодження об’єктів власності. Criminological characteristic and prevention of a knowingly false report on the threat to citizens’ safety, destruction or damage to property.Криминологическая характеристика и предупреждение заведомо неправдивых сообщений об угрозе безопасности граждан, уничтожения и повреждения объектов собственности.Book