Кушакова-Костицька, Наталія ВадимівнаKushakova-Kostytska, Nataliya V.2019-09-102019-09-102019-09https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/14572Дисертація присвячена обґрунтуванню філософсько-правових засад становлення і розвитку інформаційного суспільства в Україні. Проаналізовано історію, закономірності, особливості регулювання і функціонування інформаційного суспільства як в Україні, так і в інших країнах, розкрито вплив інформаційного суспільства на світоглядні, правові, соціальні, політичні, моральні, культурно-освітні та інші аспекти життєдіяльності соціуму. Зроблено узагальнення щодо сутності інформаційного суспільства; встановлено національні, регіональні та глобальні особливості його розвитку; окреслено перспективи розвитку інформаційного суспільства в Україні та надано прогноз щодо можливих негативних і позитивних наслідків такого розвитку в умовах глобалізації та віртуалізації всіх сфер суспільного життя. На концептуальному рівні досліджено проблеми, пов’язані з виробленням оптимальної державної інформаційної політики, які охоплюють, зокрема, створення електронної юриспруденції, етичних і правових регуляторів мережі Інтернет, електронного урядування в Україні, надання та поширення інформаційних послуг. Особливу увагу приділено захисту права на отримання достовірної та своєчасної інформації як одну з основних гарантій подальшої трансформації інформаційного суспільства у суспільство знань. Thesis to obtain scientific degree of a Doctor of Sciences under the specialization 12.00.12 – Philosophy of Law. – National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, 2019. The dissertation is devoted to the study of the philosophical and legal principles of the formation and development of the information society in Ukraine. It is researched the legal grounds that led to the rapid and unceasing progress of information and communication technologies and their influence on philosophical, legal, social, economic, political, ethical, moral, cultural, educational and other dimensions of the life of society. The generalizations about the essence of the information society are made; the national, regional and global features of its development are studied; the prospects for the development of the information society in Ukraine are marked and a prognostic analysis of the possible negative and positive consequences of such development in the context of globalization and virtualization of all spheres of public life is given. At the conceptual level, problems related to the formation of an optimal state information policy are investigated, including, in particular, the creation of e-jurisdictions, ethical and legal regulators of the Internet, e-governance in Ukraine, provision and dissemination of information services, are explored. It is paid particular attention to protecting the right to reliable and timely information as one of the fundamental human rights and citizen and the prospects of transforming the information society into a knowledge society. It is emphasized that the information society was preceded by the ever-increasing development of computer technology and computer science, but the very concept of the information society was shaped by the ideas of improving the living conditions of the individual, harmonizing his relationship with society, which a priori implies high morals, a culture of behavior and respect for universal values. Historical analysis of the development of human civilization shows that the introduction of advanced technologies has «two sides of the medal», on the one hand, these are new benefits and opportunities, on the other hand, negative phenomena, which are often accompanied by criminal manifestations, both in relation to the individual and social groups, so and humanity as a whole. Although technical progress can not be stopped, it is possible and necessary to introduce a system of measures for the formation of the information and legal culture of the individual and society through knowledge integration combining the axiological and ontological philosophical dimensions of lawful activity and behavior in the information society as a counteraction to the unjustified use of IT. The common feature of all legal systems today is that in the information society more intensive than in the industrial, there is a division of society into two main classes. It is a class of intellectuals, knowledge carriers, and a class of those who are not part of the new information economy, whose dominant product is information with a short life cycle. One consequence of such a distinction is the attitude of representatives of the intellectual elite to «computer ignorance», which in turn is one of the reasons for the widespread spread of the information offenses. Unlike Western European countries, Ukraine lags far behind the introduction of e-governance, which is one of the main reasons for the significant fraction of the corruption component in the activities of executive authorities, local self-government, their officials, lack of educational level, in particular the level of «computer literacy». Despite the obvious positive features of the information society, it becomes clear today that its transformation into a knowledge society, including in Ukraine, is not a question of the nearest future. The main factors that became an obstacle in this way are the formed consumer worldview of a significant part of IT users, the traditional use of science and technology achievements for humanity is not for their direct purpose, but primarily for military purposes, the economization of information, the use of information processes mainly for the purpose optimization of production, which de facto led to the transformation of information into goods not knowledge. It is proved that the formation and development of the information society in modern conditions, in particular in Ukraine, led to the transition to a new phase of social transformation - post-information society, or media society which focuses not on objective information but on a display information product, widespread media, including for the purpose of manipulating the mass consciousness. In such a media society the difference in terms of information, misinformation, defamation is not principle. In fact media and their information content today absorb the person's need for basic knowledge. The worldview of a person in a media society is shaped in such a way that he is primarily interested not in receiving information but in communication, and uses information and communication technologies as a means of data exchange and a means of influence, transforming his own real life into a virtual scenario offered by the media. Ukraine has to determine what path to choose for the further movement in the information society – to provide maximum freedom of information or its dosage. People should have the opportunity to think freely, fearlessly, openly express their thoughts, and freely dispose of their strengths, abilities and property. Freedom of information may be limited solely in the interests of freedom.uk-UAінформаціяінформаційне суспільствовіртуалізаціяправо на інформаціюinformationinformation societyvirtualizationright on informationФілософсько-правові засади становлення і розвитку інформаційного суспільства в Україні.Philosophical and legal principles of the formation and development of the information society in Ukraine.Book