БРИГІНЕЦЬ, Олександр ОлексійовичBRYHINETS, Oleksandr2023-09-012023-09-012023https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25141У статті розкрито роль та проблематику визначення особливостей адміністративно-правового забезпечення діяльності адвокатури як інституту, що надає правову допомогу на професійній основі як однієї з умов розбудови сучасного демократичного суспільства. Визначено, що вкрай важливим напрямом діяльності держави є обов’язок всіляко підтримувати та забезпечувати захист прав і законних інтересів людини та громадянина, що частково досягається за рахунок діяльності адвокатури. Доведено, що нарешті реалізовано конституційне право на отримання широким колом людей безоплатної правової допомоги та запропоновано новий механізм її надання виключно адвокатами. The paper reveals the role and problems of determining the features of the administrative and legal support of the activity of the bar as an institution that provides legal assistance on a professional basis as one of the conditions for the development of a modern democratic society. It is determined that an extremely important direction of the state's activity is the obligation to support and ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen in every possible way, which is partially achieved due to the activities of the bar. Today, the institution of procedural representation of lawyers is quite important, since it ensures the effectiveness of the implementation of procedural rights and obligations of interested parties. The main prerequisite for the emergence of a legal relationship involving a lawyer as a representative should be the lawyer's voluntary legal action, his active procedural activity, which simultaneously determines the content of the legal relationship. Representation of a client by a lawyer in administrative proceedings requires the lawyer to be professional and qualified to provide legal assistance. A lawyer who represents the interests of his client in administrative proceedings is an active participant in the court process, the goal of which is to achieve the best legal result in the case for him. The powers of a lawyer in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Advocacy and Advocacy" are evidenced by a warrant, a mandate from bodies or institutions authorized by law to provide free legal aid, or a contract on the provision of legal aid. An important aspect of the activity of the bar is the proper consolidation of its rights and obligations. The range of rights of a lawyer is quite wide, and it is inextricably linked with the duties incumbent on a lawyer in the course of carrying out his own professional activity. It has been proven that the constitutional right to receive free legal aid by a wide range of people has finally been realized, and a new mechanism for providing it exclusively by lawyers has been proposed.uk-UAадвокатураадміністративне правореформа адвокатурисудочинствонадання послугправа та обов’язкиправа людиниправо на захистadvocacyAdministrative Lawreform of the legal professionproceedingsprovision of servicesrights and obligationsHuman Rightsthe right to protectionАДМІНІСТРАТИВНО-ПРАВОВЕ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ АДВОКАТУРИ ЯК ІНСТИТУТУ, ЩО НАДАЄ ПРАВОВУ ДОПОМОГУ НА ПРОФЕСІЙНІЙ ОСНОВІ. ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL ENSURING THE ACTIVITIES OF THE ADVOCATE AS AN INSTITUTION PROVIDING LEGAL ASSISTANCE ON A PROFESSIONAL BASISArticle