Левченко, Н. О.Levchenko, N.2018-02-162018-02-162017https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2789Висвітлено психологічний аспект основних профілактичних заходів, яких уживає дільничний офіцер поліції. Розглянуто умови ефективності, різновиди й етапи такого заходу, як профілактична бесіда.The article describes the main preventive measures which conducting by district police officers by district police officers and sets their psychological aspects. The author defined types, stages and terms of the efficiency of preventive conversation. Results of the survey of district police officers are presents. According to the results of our survey, more than half of the offenders (54 %) are require different kinds of care and refer these issues to the district police officer. Its specific solution to life's problems create a strong foundation for future success of individual preventive measures. The author found that the largest number of applications for employment defined entities. To do this, the district police officer must have information about the availability of jobs in enterprises, organizations and institutions located in the territory served and adjacent districts. It can be obtained from the offices of staff, regional offices employment population.uk-UAпрофілактичний західдільничний офіцер поліціїпрофілактична бесідаpreventive measuresdistrict police officerpreventive conversationПсихологічні особливості здійснення профілактичних заходів дільничним офіцером поліції.Psychological Characteristics of Preventive Measures, which Conducting by District Police OfficersArticle