РОГОЗІН, Денис АндрійовичROHOZIN, DenysКОМАРОВА, Тетяна В'ячеславівнаKOMAROVA, Tetiana2023-10-172023-10-172021https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25959Статтю присвячено висвітленню етапів, які пройшла Чеська Республіка на шляху до повноправного членства у Європейському Союзі. Наведено проблемні аспекти, з якими зіткнулася країна, проаналізовано шляхи їх вирішення, досліджено соціологічні рейтинги підтримки європейської інтеграції серед населення Чехії в різні роки. Спрогнозовано проблеми, які можуть постати перед Україною на тому самому шляху з огляду на закріплення у преамбулі Конституції України європейського та євроатлантичного векторів розвитку. This paper is devoted to highlighting the stages through which the Czech Republic went on its way to full membership in the European Union. At the beginning of the work, attention is paid to the works of Ukrainian, Russian and Czech scientists analyzed in this context, on which the work is based. Further, an introduction to the historical discourse of events in the political and social spheres in the Czechoslovak Republic after the Second World War is carried out. Attention is drawn to the process of division of the Czech and Slovak Republics in the first half of the 90s. The article tells about the choice by the Czech Republic of the political and social vector for «returning to Europe». Other problems of the Czech Republic on the path of European integration are analyzed, among which one can note the conflict with the Federal Republic of Germany over the forced eviction of the German population from the country in the post-war period, based on the decrees of the President of the Czech Republic Edward Benesh, as well as the solution of this problem through diplomatic means. Attention is also drawn to another problem, which was expressed in the conflict with the government of the Austrian Republic regarding the construction of the Temelin nuclear power plant in the South Bohemian region, in the immediate vicinity of the Austrian borders. The Melk Protocol was analyzed, on the basis of which this conflict was resolved. The general conclusions on this work are summarized, in which the success of the Czech strategy for European and EuroAtlantic integration is stated. Problems that may arise for Ukraine on the same path are predicted, taking into account the consolidation of the European and Euro-Atlantic vectors of development in the preamble of the Constitution of Ukraine.uk-UAЧехіяєвроінтеграціяЄвропейський союзCzech RepublicEuropean integrationEuropean UnionОСОБЛИВОСТІ ПРОЦЕСУ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОЇ ІНТЕГРАЦІЇ ЧЕСЬКОЇ РЕСПУБЛІКИ. FEATURES OF THE PROCESS OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF THE CZECH REPUBLICArticle