БРИГІНЕЦЬ, Олександр ОлексійовичBRYHINETS, Oleksandr2023-10-122023-10-122021https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25868У статті констатується, що в нашій державі відсутнє кодифіковане законодавство, яке б регулювало правові відносини у глобальній мережі. Існуючі нормативні акти регулюють лише окремі аспекти функціонування мережі. Захист авторського права є одним із найпріоритетніших напрямів у галузі охорони й захисту інтелектуальної власності в умовах розбудови інформаційного суспільства. Від того, наскільки юридично професійно й ефективно буде сформовано правові механізми захисту авторського права, залежить майбутнє нашої держави. The paper states that in the global network, any work can be stolen and distributed, because the network provides free copying of information without additional agreements and legal actions. In this situation, the only obstacle is the institution of copyright. But in our country there is no codified legislation that would regulate legal relations in the global network. Existing regulations regulate only certain aspects of network operation. Copyright protection is one of the highest priorities in the field of protection and enforcement of intellectual property in the development of the information society. The future of our state also depends on how legally professionally and effectively the legal mechanisms of copyright protection will be formed. It is determined that the global network is significantly ahead of the improvement of regulations necessary to resolve disputes that arise. Legal problems in the network are becoming increasingly important. The most common copyright infringement is the placement of copyrighted objects on the global network, which does not take into account the provisions on their protection. Copyright protection is defined as a set of measures aimed at restoring or recognizing copyright and related rights and protecting the interests of their owners in the event of their infringement or challenge. In our country, with the development of market relations, copyright is gradually becoming one of the most competitive goods in foreign and domestic markets. In this regard, the urgency of forming an effective mechanism for legal protection of the relevant law is growing. The importance of the problem of copyright protection is that not all possibilities of copyright protection provided by the current legislation of our state are applied in practice, especially in the protection of copyright in the modern information society.uk-UAавторське правоінформаційне суспільствозахист авторського праваавтортвірсopyrightinformation societycopyright protectionauthorcompositionОСОБЛИВОСТІ ЗАХИСТУ АВТОРСЬКОГО ПРАВА В УМОВАХ РОЗБУДОВИ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОГО СУСПІЛЬСТВА. PECULIARITIES OF COPYRIGHT PROTECTION IN THE CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPING THE INFORMATION SOCIETYArticle