ФЕСЕНКО, Максим ОлександровичFESENKO, MaksymІЛЬЧЕНКО, Владислав ОлексійовичILCHENKO, Vladyslav2023-09-012023-09-012023https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25142У статті розглянуто положення Закону "Про авторське право та суміжні права" № 2811-ІХ [1], який набрав чинності 01.01.2023 (далі – Закон № 2811-ІХ). Увагу авторів зосереджено на досліджені порядку захисту авторського права в мережі Інтернет. У цьому контексті здійснено аналіз нормативно-правової бази Європейського Союзу стосовно теми роботи. Досліджено вплив гармонізації національного законодавства на ефективність захисту авторських прав. Зокрема, проаналізовано зміни понятійно-категоріального апарату, який застосовує Закон №2811-ІХ, а також питання стосовно юрисдикційного та неюрисдикційного порядку захисту суб'єктів авторського права. Обґрунтовано, що зміни у системі органів державної охорони права інтелектуальної власності відіграють важливу роль для захисту авторських прав суб'єктів. Виокремлено превентивну функцію відповідного органу.. The paper discusses the new Law "On Copyright and Related Rights" No. 2811-IX, which came into force on January 1, 2023. The focus of the authors was on the procedure for protecting copyright on the Internet within civil law. In the context of harmonizing Ukrainian legislation with the legislation of the European Union, its regulatory and legal framework, which relates to the topic of the work, has been analyzed, including several directives. The administrative procedure for protecting copyright, which is constantly changing and taking on a more efficient form in Ukrainian realities, has been examined. However, it is not free of drawbacks, as the UKRNOIVI still performs exclusively the powers transferred by the central executive authority and does not have the proper independence compared to its counterparts in other countries. Certain concepts and procedures of copyright have been investigated, including the legal regulation of interactive access as a means of disseminating copyright, which has provided new ways of realizing property rights and opportunities for protecting authors' rights. The scope of the concept of technological protection has also been analyzed, which has been expanded compared to the analogous definition in Law No. 3792-XII. The research carried out in the paper made it possible to define the legal status of the list of subjects who can apply for protection of their rights in jurisdictional order and to expand the list of ways in which such subjects have the right to apply for protection. The way in which Law No. 2811-IX specified the list of copyright infringements has also been investigated. As a result, copyright holders have gained more opportunities to seek protection of their rights in case of unlawful actions by others. The features of the new non-jurisdictional procedure for protecting rights in the field of copyright on the Internet, which became more efficient due to the updating of the conceptualcategorical base of Law 2811-IX, is shown in the possibility of physical persons who are subjects of copyright to file statements without a lawyer, and changes in the deadlines for consideration of the aforementioned statements have been studied. As the result of research conducted by the compensation institute, it was found that it obtained greater detail regarding the subjects and types of compensation, divided into general and special, as well as the amount of compensation collected.uk-UAавторське правогармонізаціяадаптація законодавствазахист авторського правадинаміка розвитку авторського праваcopyrightharmonizationadaptation of legislationcopyright protectiondynamics of copyright developmentОКРЕМІ ПИТАННЯ ГАРМОНІЗАЦІЇ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ЗАКОНОДАВСТВА У СФЕРІ ЗАХИСТУ АВТОРСЬКИХ ПРАВ. SPECIFIC ISSUES OF HARMONIZING LEGISLATION IN THE FIELD OF COPYRIGHT PROTECTIONArticle