Бандура, О.О.Bandura, О.2021-04-172021-04-172019https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/18732The purposeof the article consists in that, to attract attention of modern scientists in sphere of philosophy of right to labours of Ukrainian philosophical school of 1960thin area of general philosophy and philosophical gnosiology, and also to show that a number of positions of gnosiology of right are the constituents of corresponding positions of philosophical gnosiology, and that dialectical intercommunications of legal gnosiology with legal anthropology, praxeology, axiology and ontology predefined by dialectical intercommunications of philosophical gnosiology with philosophical anthropology, praxeology, axiology and ontology. Some researchers examine the copulas of legal gnoseology with other components of legal philosophy, foremost with legal ontology (in particular, А.М.Bernjukov, М.М.Proxhorov, О.С.Тarasov), but a legal gnoseology has dialectical copulas also with legal anthropology, praxeology and axiology. V..Кuzmenko analyses a question about unity of legal ontology, anthropology, axiology and gnosiology, however only in connection with philosophical-legal conception of Thomas Aquinas, it is necessary to set a question wider.uk-UAgnosiology of rightphilosophical gnosiologyphilosophy of rightlegal cognitionsubjectobjecttruththeoryideadialecticsГносеологія права як складова філософської гносеології (загальні міркування). Gnoseology of Law as a Component of Philosophical Gnoseology (General Reasoning)Article