Гайдулін, Олександр ОлександровичHaidulin, Oleksandr2021-08-022021-08-022021-08https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/19520Дисертація присвячена викладенню теоретико-цивілістичних основ, які повинні бути фундаментом розробки нової загальної теорії інтерпретації. Передбачається, що така теорія стане базовою системою ідей конвергенції приватного права, зокрема європеїзації договірного права. У дисертації розроблена теоретична модель інтерпретаційного права тлумачення в системі договірного права, зокрема, узагальнені основні компоненти цього правового інституту: (1) інтерпретаційна система, яка базується на одній з трьох «стратегій інтерпретації»: об’єктивізмі, суб’єктивізмі, холізмі; (2) інтерпретаційна ситуація, до складу якої належать: (a) інтерпретаційні відносини; (b) правовий конфлікт інтерпретацій; (c) контекст договірної інтерпретації; (3) метод правового регулювання як системна єдність імперативного, диспозитивного та дискреційного цивілістичних методів, при провідній ролі дискреції та аналогії права; (4) система загальних принципів та норм-правил інтерпретації права; (5) правові засоби інтерпретації. Диссертация посвящена изложению теоретико-методологических основ, которые должны быть фундаментом разработки новой цивилистической теории интерпретации. The dissertation presents theoretical and civilistic frameworks to be taken as a basis of a new general interpretation theory elaboration. Such theory is anticipated to become the basic system of ideas of private law convergence, in particular Europeanization of contract law, through the coordination of the national legal interpretation institutes. According to the concept presented in the dissertation, the system of common methods is formed on the basis of triunique philosophy: philosophical hermeneutics, philosophy of common sense and post-modernism doctrine of the European legal interpretivism. A special methodology is presented as a systemic unity: dogmatic method, comparative method and paradigm hermeneutic method of private law, operating three basic techniques: paradigm reconstruction, discretion and modeling (structuring). Among the applied methods the most efficient are as follows: logical linguistic and sociological methods of content-related document studying and content-analysis. Assessment of this methodology is presented in the separate chapter which is based on the results of elaborating concept of interpretation institute of European contract law. At the empirical stage of the study, operationalization of the notions interpretātio and interpretation was carried out. As a result, two terminological systems were built: (1) Ius interpretātio system as a logical and semantic model of the Roman institute of legal interpretation reconstruction; (2) The law of interpretation system as a framework of the model of the forming legal institute of interpretation. There is a special interest in the experience of historical reconstruction of Roman legal institute ius interpretātio and technologies of good-faith interpretation (bonae fidei interpretatio). In the dissertation and several previous publications, theoretical model of Law of Interpretation in Contract Law system was developed, in particular, main components of this legal institution were generalized. 1. Interpretational system is based on one of three "interpretation strategies": objectivism, subjectivism, or holism, and contains specific approaches to interpretation (interpretation methodology) and appropriate methods of interpretation. It appears that the choice of strategy and system of interpretation is the matter of solving the initial meta-interpretive question. 2. Interpretation situation which includes: (1) interpretative relations, which must be individualized; (2) legal conflict of interpretations or conflict over the choice of interpretative system, which is the main material content of these relations; (3) the context of contract interpretation, which includes: (a) factual context and (b) sociocultural context. 3. Method of legal regulation as a systemic unity of (a) imperative, (b) dispositive and (с) discretionary civil methods, where the lead role is played by discretion (self-regulation) and analogy of law. Coherence (logical and substantive mutual correspondence) of methods of legal interpretation, special scientific research methods and methods of legal regulation of interpretive law were established. 4. System of general principles and norms-rules of law interpretation. The main systemic role is played by the principles of law, which are represented in the following hierarchy: (1) universal social and moral-cognitive principles: good in its opposition to evil, public good, social harmony, common sense etc; (2) general legal principles of freedom, reasonableness, justice and good faith; (3) civil law principles of privacy, dispositiveness and legal equality of the parties, autonomy of will; (4) principles of contract law: contractual freedom, equality of the parties, non-abuse of subjective rights etc; (5) special principles of interpretation, which are represented by many principles, among which the principles of good faith interpretation, the synthetic interpretation of the EU acquis and the EU Principle of Consistent Interpretation. 5. Legal means of interpretation, which are erroneously considered to be norms-rules of interpretation. For example, such instruments constitute the content of Interpretation Acts adopted in most common law countries. These instruments are classified into such groups: (a) constituent norms, (b) norms-definitions, (c) norms-principles. Main results of the depth applied research are aimed to provide better understanding of the subject of dissertation based on the hermeneutic civilistic methodology presented in the following areas: (1) interpretation of the pre-contractual acts for identifying the offer acceptance in the European contractual law; (2) approaches to the interpretation of the legal norms regulating the contract forms and their Europeanization; (3) the substance of contracts based on the interpretation law of the European countries: unification and harmonization; (4) identification of the contracts invalidity in the process of their interpretation under the norms of private law of European countries and EU; (5) interpretation of acts of the contractual performance under European private law. The proposals stemming from this work were directed to solve the praxeological problems of the legal interpretation efficiency in the context of Ukrainian private law Europeanization. As a result some proposals on the amendments to the current civil laws based on the results of researching the interpretation methodology, its assessment and implementation were put forward.uk-UAправова герменевтикаінтерпретаційне правостатутне тлумаченнядоговірне тлумаченняздоровий глузддобросовісністьправовая герменевтика, интерпретационное право, статутное толкование, договорное толкование, здравый смысл, добросовестностьlegal hermeneuticslaw of interpretationstatutory interpretationcontractual interpretationcommon sensegood faithІнститут інтерпретації (тлумачення) в європейському контрактному праві: теоретико-цивілістичні засади. Interpretation in European Contract Law: theoretical and civilistic framework.Институт интерпретации (толкования) в европейском контрактном праве: теоретико-цивилистические начала.Book