ГОРБАЧ-КУДРЯ, ІВАННА АНАТОЛІЇВНАHorbach-Kudria, I.A.2021-05-052021-05-052021-04https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/18952Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.07 «Адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право; інформаційне право». – Національна академія внутрішніх справ, Київ, 2021. У дисертації розглянуто сутність, зміст та особливості адміністративно правового застосування термінового заборонного припису стосовно кривдника, обмежувального припису стосовно кривдника, взяття на профілактичний облік кривдника та проведення з ним профілактичної роботи, направлення кривдника на програму для кривдників. Проведено розмежування понять «протидія домашньому насильству» та «запобігання домашньому насильству», що перебувають у щільному взаємозв’язку. Систематизовано законодавство, що передбачає застосування спеціальних заходів протидії домашньому насильству в адміністративному регулюванні. Визначено уповноважених суб’єктів, їх роль та місце у загальній системі протидії домашньому насильству. Проаналізовано зарубіжний досвід застосування спеціальних заходів щодо протидії домашньому насильству на прикладі Республіки Австрії, Королівства Бельгії, Турецької Республіки, Грецької Республіки, Італійської Республіки, Королівства Норвегії та Канади. Математично обґрунтована потреба внесення змін до Законів України та підзаконних нормативно-правових актів.Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences on the specialty 12.00.07 «Administrative law and procedure, finance law, information law». – The National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, 2021. The dissertation is devoted the essence, content and features of the administrative and legal application of the urgent prohibitive order against the offender, the restrictive order against the offender, taking the offender for preventive registration and carrying out preventive work with him, sending the offender to the offender’s program. A review of scientific views on «countering domestic violence» as a terminology of administrative and legal research, defining the role and place of special measures to countering domestic violence. A distinction is made between the concepts of «countering domestic violence» and «prevention of domestic violence». It is defined the term «special measures to countering domestic violence». The experience of collecting empirical information in administrative and legal research on countering domestic violence is analyzed. It is offered to use methods of data collection, processing, analysis and interpretation in inseparable unity with methods of scientific knowledge of practical activity and methods of realization of the right that will provide comprehensive studying of a subject of research.20 The provision is formulated that special measures to countering domestic violence include an urgent injunction against the offender, a restrictive injunction against the offender, the registration of the offender and preventive work with him. Referral of the offender to the program for the offender is classified as a measure to prevent and countering domestic violence. According to the results of 85 postal polls, questionnaires of 474 police authorized units of the National Police of Ukraine, analysis of 1754 decisions in cases of administrative offenses issued by the courts of Ukraine under Art. 1732 of the Code of Ukraine about Administrative Offenses, and decisions made by courts in civil cases on the issuance of a restrictive order against the offender contained in the Unified Register of Judgments during the period from 2018 to 2020, found that the application of special measures to countering domestic violence has not established practice, has not correspond to the existing risk situation and is carried out by entities authorized mainly according to their own individualized understanding of the regulatory framework. The legislation is systematized, which provides for the application of special measures to countering domestic violence in administrative regulation, by the subject`s subsystem and the subsystem of entities authorized. The units authorized of the National Police of Ukraine are presented as the entities, that carry out the issuance of an urgent prohibitive order and operate the registration of the offender and preventive work with him. The district, district in the city, city or city district courts (judges) are presented as the entities, that powers include to competence is the restrictive order against the offender and sending the offender to the offender`s program. An algorithm is proposed issuance of the urgent prohibitive order against the offender, taking the offender for preventive registration and carrying out preventive work with him, against psychological and economic domestic violence. The mechanism of cooperation of entities authorized. It is determined that taking into account the principles of legality, necessity, proportionality and efficiency guarantees the legality of the application of special measures to countering domestic violence by units authorized of the National Police of Ukraine. The foreign experience of applying special measures to countering domestic violence on the example of the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Turkey, the Hellenic Republic, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Norway and Canada is analyzed. The experience of the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Turkey, and Canada is positive for Ukraine to follow. The need to amend the Law of Ukraine «On Prevention and Countering Domestic Violence», the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 25.02.19 № 124 «On approval of the Procedure for registration the offender by an authorized unit of the National Police of Ukraine».домашнє насильство, запобігання, протидія, спеціальні заходи, адміністративне правопорушення, постраждала особа, кривдник, заборонний припис, профілактичний облік, превенція, оцінка ризиків.domestic violence, crossing, countering, special measures, administrative offense, injured person, assailant, prohibition order, precautionary accounting, prevention, risk assessmentАдміністративно-правові засади застосування спеціальних заходів щодо протидії домашньому насильству. Administrative and legal bases for the application of special measures of countering domestic violence.