Сергєєв, Кирило ОлександровичSerhieiev, K. O.2021-08-202021-08-202021-08https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/19539Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.01 – теорія та історія держави і права; історія політичних і правових учень. – Національний педагогічний університет ім. М. П. Драгоманова; Національна академія внутрішніх справ, Київ, 2021. У дисертації досліджено проблематику ефективності законодавчої діяльності під впливом факторів соціальних трансформацій, що виникли внаслідок динамічного розвитку інформаційних технологій. Обґрунтовано, що сучасний законодавець повинен ураховувати новітні інструменти соціального діалогу, оскільки змінилися значення актуальності норми в категоріях часу та простору, ускладнилася структура соціальної організації, а програмний код може виключати потребу в державному примусі, створюючи єдиноможливий алгоритм правовідносин. Розглянуто новітні фактори, що позначаються на ефективності законодавчої діяльності, запропоновано практичні шляхи її вдосконалення. Thesis for a Candidate Scientific Degree in Law, speciality 12.00.01 – Theory and History of State and Law; the History of Political and Legal Thought. – M. P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University; National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, 2021. In the dissertation the efficiency of legislative activity under the influence of the factors of social transformations which have arisen owing to dynamic development of information technologies is investigated. The modern state governs a different type of society than in previous eras. Focused on creating a quality law, it needs to change the doctrinal standards of legislative activity in order to adapt them to the latest conditions of objective reality in which the law exists and is implemented. The high dynamics of information technology development contributes to the formation of a revolutionary new structure of social organization, which has changed the usual order of relations. The modern legislator is forced to take into account the newest tools of social dialogue, where the law has ceased to be the only event of a legal nature, forcing people in different locations of the state to adhere to the same rule of conduct. This is a reality where the social group is able to independently coordinate the form of communication in order to obtain the desired result in real time and in the global space. Where legal relationships can change more quickly than the procedure for adopting an act, and a program code can eliminate the need for state coercion, creating the only possible algorithm for legal relationships, which the subjects are simply incapable to violate. In such circumstances, the creation of a quality law is impossible without a detailed study of the transformation of these social phenomena as factors influencing the implementation of legislative activity. In the dissertation, the state is considered as one of the most complex social systems, which, with the help of centralized management, is aimed at coordinating members of society with each other to ensure their life activity. And the system of legislation is investigated from the projection of its ability to create a structure of public organization in a certain territory – a network of communications of individuals and different forms of their associations, which in a complex sequence of causal relationships ensures the ability of each individual to self-fulfill their own potential. From these fundamental projections, the factors of social organization of post-industrial society, their influence on legislative activity are considered. A special role in such instruments was played by the emergence of a global forum factor – the ability to conduct collective dialogue in real time and global space – a communication tool that allows the social group to independently implement the latest rules of behavior outside the will of the state and which has no analogues in previous epochs of human existence. Another factor was the excessive dynamics of changes over time. A factor that is extremely important for legislative activity, the essence of which is to formulate rules in the future and their long-term application. The factor of the systems complication caused the quality of the legislation to decline. Anything that seems obvious from now on is warranted by erroneous assumptions, while ascertaining the true causes of the problem, which requires legislative regulation, is possible only through a qualitative study of the communications system of the regulated sphere of relations. Legislative work is aimed at forming a system of sequence links of a social group’s communication, which results in the achievement of results in the form of changes in the social, political, state, and social order. In the conditions of dynamic development of information technologies, new requirements have been posed before the parliaments – to reduce the time for adoption of the law, increase the competence of the legislator, and technologization of the legislative process. The study highlights the latest factors that affect the effectiveness of legislative activities and suggests practical ways to improve it, in the direction of creating a quality law in modern conditions.uk-UAзаконодавча діяльністьзаконотворчістьінформаційні технологіїінформаційне суспільствопостіндустріальне суспільствоглобальний форумlegislative activitylawmakinginformation technologiesinformation societypost-industrial societyglobal forumЗаконодавча діяльність в умовах динамічного розвитку інформаційних технологій. The legislative activity in the conditions of dynamic development of information technologies.Other