Рибальський, О.В.Журавель, В.В.2023-09-202023-09-202018https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25488Paper provides new terms that have arisen and are used in the modern examination of materials and means of video-, audio recording, and their definitions are suggested. Several definitions of some terms used earlier have been corrected as well. The proposed definitions of terms reflect physical and technical essence of the objects they designate. The terminology is suggested to use when drawing up expert conclusions.uk-UAзапис інформаціїекспертизааналогові методи записуцифрові методи записутермінологіяinformation recordingexaminationanalog recording methodsdigital recording methodsterminologyДеякі аспекти термінології експертизи матеріалів та засобів відеозвукозаписуArticle