ПРИСЯЖНА, Анна ВасилівнаPRYSIAZHNA, Anna2023-10-132023-10-132021https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25872Встановлено, що вивчення принципів організації й діяльності української прокуратури неможливе без науковоісторичного аспекту їх виникнення розвитку. Діалектика розвитку суспільного життя така, що сьогодення й майбутнє не бувають без минулого, без певної своєї історії. Досліджено історичні витоки зародження, формування поняття й розвитку системи принципів організації та діяльності прокуратури. Доведено, що принципи організації та діяльності прокуратури в умовах її реформування набувають надзвичайно важливого значення як для науки, так і для практики. The current stage of development of the Ukrainian state is characterized by increased interest in the problems of public authorities. The organization and activities of all state bodies, including the prosecutor's office, are built in accordance with the principles that determine the specifics of the legal status of each of these bodies and thus allow to individualize the status of each of them. It is on their basis that the competence of the prosecutor's office, the powers of prosecutors are determined, and the legislation on the prosecutor's office is developed. In this regard, the principles (principles) are the basis, the foundation of the prosecutor's office and all areas of its activities. It is established that the study of the principles of organization and activity of the Ukrainian prosecutor's office is impossible without the scientific-historical aspect of the origin of these principles and their development at different historical stages. The dialectic of the development of social life is such that the present and the future do not exist without the past, without a definite history. The historical origins of the origin, formation of the concept and development of the system of principles of organization and activity of the prosecutor's office are studied. It is proved that the principles of organization and activity of the prosecutor's office in the conditions of its reform become extremely important both for science and for practice. The provision is substantiated that the knowledge of the principles as the basic ideas that became the basis for the reform of the prosecutor's office, allows not only to know the essence of this reform, but also to identify shortcomings and weaknesses of the reform. The origin and development of the principles (principles) of organization and activity of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine are studied; the meaning and content of the principles of organization and activity of the prosecutor's office are revealed. The principles of law are the criterion of legality and legitimacy of actions of citizens and officials and under certain conditions are of great importance for the growth of legal awareness of the population.uk-UAпрокурорпринципизасадипринципи організації та діяльності прокуратуриправоохоронний органprosecutorprinciplesprinciplesprinciples of organization and activity of the prosecutor's officelaw enforcement agencyНАУКОВО-ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ АСПЕКТИ ВИНИКНЕННЯ І РОЗВИТКУ ЗАСАД (ПРИНЦИПІВ) ОРГАНІЗАЦІЇ ТА ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ПРОКУРАТУРИ УКРАЇНИ ЯК ПРАВООХОРОННОГО ОРГАНУ. SCIENTIFIC AND THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRINCIPLES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT AND ACTIVITIES OF THE PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE OF UKRAINE AS A LAW-ENFORCEMENT AGENCYArticle