БРИГІНЕЦЬ, Олександр ОлексійовичBRYHINETS, Oleksandr2023-10-112023-10-112021https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25765У статті констатується, що найбільш поширеною практикою залишається оформлення прибудинкових територій тільки після виготовлення проєкту землеустрою на замовлення ОСББ у відповідної проектної організації. Визначено, що вдосконалення механізмів власності особливо у земельній сфері зумовили відмову і від колективної власності, що вимагає подальшого розвитку сучасних форм власності на землю, а також ефективного регулювання відносин спільного володіння землею та майном. Transformation of property relations has determined the need to find modern legal constructions for the settlement of joint ownership of land and property. The article states that the most common practice is the design of adjacent territories only after the preparation of a land management project commissioned by condominiums in the relevant project organization. It is determined that the improvement of ownership mechanisms, especially in the land sphere, has led to the abandonment of collective ownership, which requires further development of modern forms of land ownership, as well as effective regulation of joint ownership of land and property. It is proved that the co-owners of apartment buildings have the right to exercise the relevant rights as well as, in particular, registration of the right to land without the creation of condominiums. Although before the adoption of this law, the registration of land rights took place only through condominiums or other service entities. Registration of land ownership directly by apartment building co-owners may create some difficulties with the registration of all co-owners, as the number and composition of such coowners may change constantly due to the acquisition and alienation of apartments in apartment buildings. The peculiarity of the right of joint ownership is that all third parties, despite the plurality of co-owners, must deal not with a set of separate wills or expressions of will of each co-owner, but with a single, joint expression of will of several entities. The necessity of further theoretical substantiation and normative consolidation of the right of apartment building co-owners to directly acquire and exercise the right of joint ownership of the adjacent territory and the possibility of exercising the relevant right indirectly through the condominiums created by them.uk-UAспільна власністьправо власності на землюправа співвласників багатоквартирних житлових будинківjoint ownershipland ownershiprights of co-owners of apartment buildingsДО ПИТАННЯ ПРАВА СПІЛЬНОЇ ВЛАСНОСТІ НА ЗЕМЛЮ В УКРАЇНІ. ON THE ISSUE OF JOINT LAND OWNERSHIP IN UKRAINEArticle