Жиров, Г.Б.Лєнков, Є.С.Толок, І.В.2023-09-202023-09-202018https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25484One of the components of the overall system of maintenance and repair is the system of planned repairs. The system of planned repairs is a complex of organizational and technical measures for the care, operation and repair of complex technical objects aimed at preventing premature failure of parts, components, units, blocks and mechanisms and keeping them in working condition. The essence of the system of planned repairs is that after the development of a technical object of a certain time preventive inspections and various types of planned repairs, the periodicity and duration of which depend on the design and repair features of the object, the conditions of its operation, as well as the capabilities of repair bodies, are carried out. In work the improved algorithm of optimization of the parameters of the planned repair process is developed, which is an integral part of the simulation statistical model of the object. Ìodeling allows determining the optimal parameters of the planned repair of a complex technical object.uk-UAплановий ремонтпараметриремонтмежремонтний ресурсplanned repairparametersof repairinter-repair resourceУдосконалений алгоритм оптимізації процесу планового ремонту складних технічних об'єктівArticle