Троцюк, Сергій Олександрович2017-02-172017-02-172016https://elar.navs.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/1150Вивчено соціально-психологічну адаптацію засуджених в умовах ізоляції. Визначено особливості тривання соціально-психологічної адаптації засуджених до відповідних умов. Зазначено, що перебування в місцях позбавлення волі, наявність режиму, зміна оточення й потреб, різке обмежеИзучена социально-психологическая адаптация осужденных в условиях изоляции. Определены особенности протекания социально-психологической адаптации осужденных к соответствующим условиям. Указано, что пребывание в местах лишения свободы, наличие режима, смена окружения, резкое ограничение и изменение потребностей значительно усиливает переживания осужденных, которые адаптируются к условиям социальной изоляции.This article is devoted to the study of socio-psychological adaptation of prisoners in isolation. The main objective of the study is to determine the peculiarities of socio-psychological adaptation of prisoners to relevant conditions. Stay in prisons, presence of mode, change of environment, rapid cut and change of needs greatly enhances the experience of prisoners who have adapted to the conditions of social exclusion adequate and inadequate ways. Today and always was pressing and urgent problem of socio-psychological adaptation of persons trapped in places of deprivation of liberty. After all, how successful the process will be the adaptation of convicts to new social conditions, how quickly they can learn new norms, rules of conduct in a limited society, determines their future. Considering the socio-psychological adaptation of convicted persons, it is possible to create a prediction of behavior in such an environment, and also to identify the main options for the provision of professional psychological assistance to raise the fix level of a person in isolation from society. Social isolation of the individual, a powerful factor in the modification of human behavior. The psyche of each person reacts differently to this factor. Correctional institution break habitual way of life of any person, taking the individual from family, loved ones, doomed to years of heavy doomed existence. From the moment of arrival in prison, the person is going through a difficult period of adaptation to the new environment, to unusual conditions of work and life, new social environment, and the specific requirements of the regime of serving of criminal punishment, etc. Socio-psychological adaptation in the penitentiary system is the adaptation of the individual to the new conditions of life in micro society convicted that she cannot change at its discretion. Basically it is the process of adaptation to a specific team, development of a new mode of existence in accordance with the conditions in which there is person with the purpose of protection in the system of interpersonal relations and save their own internal state. The success of adaptation depends on such factors as: social isolation, emotional tension, increased influence of the social environment, a team of convicts, stress, conflicts. It therefore needs to develop measures and methods for determining the level of maladjustment of prisoners in conditions of social exclusion. This will facilitate the opportunity to return to society full member without the persistence of negative skills that have been mastered during his stay in prison.uk-UAсоціальна ізоляціяадаптаціяпозбавлення воліемоційна напруженістьдезадаптаціясоциальная изоляцияадаптациялишение свободыэмоциональная напряженность; дезадаптация.дезадаптация.: social isolationadaptationimprisonmentemotional tensiondisadaptationПсихологічний аспект процесу адаптації осіб в умовах ізоляції.sychological Aspect of Adaptation of People in IsolationПсихологический аспект процесса адаптации лиц в условиях изоляцииOther